Smart Strip® Auto Graffiti & Adhesive Remover
Smart Strip Auto Graffiti & Adhesive Remover is a unique product that removes BOTH nasty graffiti and unwanted adhesives from cars, trucks, vans, buses, motorcycles, trains, and other vehicles. Professional strength and highly effective while containing NO dangerous Methylene Chloride or hazardous NMP.
Smart Strip Auto Graffiti & Adhesive Remover succeeds where many others fail. Engineered to work effectively on virtually all automotive surfaces like hoods, doors, glass, headlights, windshields, bumpers, etc. Even works on tools, road signs, and other similar surfaces!
At Dumond, we love our automobiles. That’s why Smart Strip Auto Graffiti & Adhesive Remover was developed specifically for Car Enthusiasts by Car Enthusiasts. Trusted for Auto Body Shops and DIYers.
Available in 1/2 gallon and 1 gallon containers.
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Click to order a Smart Strip Auto Graffiti & Adhesive Remover - ½ Gallon Sample.
Click to view the Technical Data Sheet (TDS) for:
Smart Strip Auto Graffiti & Adhesive Remover
Click to view the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for:
Smart Strip Auto Graffiti & Adhesive Remover